Rock or tree mooring lines are recommended for cruising the Mediterranean, especially around Italy or Greece. They allow you to additionally secure your anchored yacht to two fixed points ashore, like for example well-placed trees or suitably sized rocks. We also recommend adding affordable and easy to replace sacrificial loops (e.g. certified slings), which tie around the tree/rock and connect to the mooring line via a soft or steel shackle. Available in different colours matching the yacht, or - recommended - in highly visible bright colours.

A heaving line is used as a messenger line to transfer a mooring line or other lines to the shore or to another vessel. These are generally double-braided polyester lines in small diameters which we can supply with the beautifully hand-crafted leather heaving weights made by our brand C-GUARD.

A stopper line is used to transfer a mooring line from a heavily loaded winch to a cleat or mooring bit, using a stopper knot.
A stopper line should be able to take the load off a mooring line, while also providing good grip. Depending on the yacht's size, Dyneema lines, polyester lines or Dyneema core lines with polyester cover are good choices.